Things to do before seeing a divorce attorney
Before you make an appointment to see an attorney about a divorce there are a few things you should do first. The below list will help you organize your thoughts and make your first consultation with an attorney more productive and efficient.
- Think about what you want to ask for and what your goals are. For example, if you have children think ahead of time what you would like to happen as regards custody and visitation. As regards financial matters think what you would consider a fair division of marital assets to be. An attorney can give you legal advice and help you reach your goals in a divorce but they cannot tell you what those goals should be without your help and input.
- Give some thought as to where you hope to be in the future. What are your career goals? Do you think because of career or other reasons you will have to move in the future? While no one knows what the future holds it is a good idea to be thinking about these issues before seeing a divorce attorney. For example, if you think your job will cause you to have to move then that is something that will have to be considered when determining child custody and visitation.
- Create a list of your assets and debts. Any divorce will involve the division of marital assets so you need to know what those assets are. Don’t overlook small items such as store credit cards and other small lines of credit.
- Gather evidence you think might be helpful in your divorce case and do not let that evidence be destroyed or mislaid. For example, if you are considering a divorce based on your spouse’s adultery and you have a text message where he or she admits to adultery make sure that you save that message. It is best to not only to keep an electronic record of such a message but also have a physical copy of it. If your spouse has posted something incriminating on Facebook print that post out and do not rely on it being there in the future.
- Do not text, email or leave voice messages that you do not want seen and heard in court. A divorce can be a stressful time and it is easy to lose your cool and send a text message in a fit of anger. However, remember such text messages and other recorded conversations can be used in court and may portray you in a bad light to the judge.
- If you have young children do not discuss the divorce with them. Not only will the court frown upon such conversations it is harmful to your child. Remember that your spouse is that child’s parent as well.
- Be prepared financially for your divorce. Take a careful look at your bills and expenses consider and the implications that your divorce will have on your budget. Most people will need to make significant adjustments in their lifestyle, spending habits and budget after a divorce.
Posted on: 15 Feb, 2018 under: Divorce, Family Law